Saturday, January 12, 2008

Meeting with Dato' Tang and the YDP of MPS

Finally, on the 10th of December 2007, the SPCA had a chance to have a meeting with the very busy Dato' Tang See Hang, State Assemblyman for Rawang, and the Yang DiPertua of the Majlis Perbandaran Selayang, Tuan Zainal Abidin Azim.

Both of them patiently listened to SPCA's proposal for stray control in MPS. And, GOOD NEWS, they both agreed to the bulk of our proposal!! This is indeed a great Christmas gift to the dogs in MPS and to the advancement of animal welfare in our country. If carried out successfully, MPS can very well lead the pack in stray contol for other municipals to follow.

So, in 2008, you can expect the following in MPS:

  1. A new animal pound in Rawang! And MPS has agreed to allow SPCA access to the pound for management advice. New pound will be due in Jan 08.

  2. A permanent Klinik Kembiri in Rawang. In its initial stages, SPCA will set up and manage the clinic. This clinic is due by March 08.

  3. A big RPO seminar for all MPS area, called on by Dato' Tang himself. This is suppose to be done around the end of Jan 08.

  4. Kempen Kembiri in JPH clinic before the permanent Klinik Kembiri is set up.

  5. Dog Catching Workshop, organised by the SPCA for all dog catchers and contractors of MPS. This will be focused on using the net poles and humane handling of dogs.

  6. A renewed dog licensing plan. All neutered dogs will get a big discount on their yearly licence fees - only RM10! Also, licensing will be more accessible to the public through vet clinics and pet shops.

  7. More focus on public education - watch out for regular seminars and distribution of informative leaflets and posters.

Stay tuned!

If you wish to write and thank Dato' Tang or Tuan Zainal Abidin for their commendable approach for animal welfare, please contact us for their addresses and contact details!

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