Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Helping People Help Animals

MissionHELP by SPCA Selangor is all about helping people to help animals.

Since the scrapping of the thoughtless dog catching competition by Majlis Perbandaran Selayang (MPS), SPCA has launched MissionHELP: Selayang. Although the competition was scrapped, the problems of stray dogs are still a real issue in Selayang. And that’s where SPCA comes in. We are here to help them with their stray dogs problem, in a much more humane way.

Our main aims are to introduce a more humane way of catching dogs and managing their animal pound. Besides that, SPCA will push for more long-term solutions such as promoting spaying/neutering, public education campaigns on responsible pet ownership, and more effective legislations such as microchipping, differential licensing for neutered and unneutered pets, and heavier fines for pet abandonment.

Those wishing to volunteer their time and efforts for MissionHELP: Selayang, can email us at